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University of The Bahamas

Proceedings of the 16th Symposium on the Geology of The Bahamas. 2016.

Fischer, Gyöngyvér, Fabienne Godefroid, Pascal Kindler, and Erika Baldessin. Biostratigraphic and Geochemical Evidence for a Tectonically Induced Change in the Aggradation Rate of the Mayaguana Bank (SE Bahamas) during the Early Miocene. p. 1-12.

Godefroid, Fabienne. Miogypsinids (Larger Benthic Foraminifers) from the Mayaguana Formation (Early Miocene), Mayaguana Island, SE Bahamas. p. 13-25.

Godefroid, Fabienne and Pascal Kindler. Prominent Geological Features of Crooked Island, SE Bahamas. p. 26-38.

Savarese, Michael and H. Allen Curran. Origin of Late Holocene Strandplains in the Southern Exuma Islands, Bahamas: Progradation, Ephemeral Highstands, and Storminess. p. 39-59.

Kjellmark, Eric W. and Jeffrey P. Blick. Analysis of a Sediment Core from Triangle Pond, San Salvador Island, Bahamas: Pollen, Paleoclimate, Human Impacts, and Insights into Lucayan Lifeways. p. 60-83.

Billingsly, Anne L. and Tina M. Niemi. Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction of Triangle Pond (San Salvador Island, Bahamas) Through Stratigraphic and Elemental Analysis of a Sediment Core. p. 84-94.

Paul, Varun G., David J. Wronkiewicz, and Melanie R. Mormile. Characterization of Microbialites and the Ecosystem of Storr’s Lake, San Salvador Island, Bahamas. p. 95-110.

Martin, Leslie Drew and Ronald D. Lewis. Growth of Attached (Encrusting) Benthic Foraminifera along an Onshore-Offshore Transect, Fernandez Bay, San Salvador, Bahamas: Preliminary Results. p. 111-123.

Michelson, Andrew V. and Lisa E. Park Boush. Paleosalinity Records from Three Lakes on San Salvador Island, Bahamas Inferred from Preserved Ostracode Assemblages. p. 124-140.

Deborah Freile and Melanie L. DeVore. Mixed Genera Shallow Water Rhodoliths from Roatán, Honduras. p. 141-152.

Curran, H. Allen and Koji Seike. Modern and Fossil Callianassid Burrows of the Bahamas: Comparisons and Implications for Paleoenvironmental Analysis. p. 153-167.

Glumac, Bosiljka and H. Allen Curran. Documentation of Extensive Root Systems of Thalassia Seagrass along the Banks of Pigeon Creek, San Salvador Island, Bahamas. p. 154-175.

Glumac, Bosiljka, H. Allen Curran, and Sarah Brisson. Subaerial Seeps on Holocene Carbonate Eolian Strata from Cat Island, Bahamas. p. 176-187.

Florea, Lee J., Jeff Ransom, and Dallas Hazelton. Preliminary Geophysical Characterization of the Karst within a Transverse Glade in the Atlantic Coastal Ridge, Miami-Dade County Florida, USA. p. 188-199.

Kambesis, Patricia, Joan Mylroie, John Mylroie, Erik Larson, Athena Owen-Nagel, Jon Sumrall, and Michael J. Lace. Influence of Karst Denudation on the Northwest Coast of Curaçao. p. 200-212

Mylroie, John E., Patricia N. Kambesis, Athena M. Owen, Jonathan B. Sumrall, Erik B. Larson, Joan R. Mylroie, and Michael J. Lace. Flank Margin Cave Development at Cala Pi and Cala Figuera, Mallorca Island, Spain. p. 213-221

Mylroie, John E., Hung Chak Ho, Louis R. Infante, Patricia N. Kambesis, and Jason W. Leist. Banana Holes as Syndepositional Flank Margin Caves within an Advancing Strandplain and their Prediction using Fuzzy-Banded Spatial Modeling. p. 222-236

Larson, Erik B., John E. Mylroie, Nancy A. Albury, Brian Kakuk, and Thomas M. Iliffe. Infilled Blue Holes on the Bahama Banks as Potential Point Sources for Whiting Origin. p. 237-242

Simard, Christine A., John W. Jenson, and Mark A. Lander. Analysis of Salinity in the Northern Guam Lens Aquifer. p. 243-253

Jackson, Kelly L., Gregor P. Eberli, Kasey Cantwell, and Roni Avissar. Rapid Assessment of the Impact of Hurricane Irene on the Depositional Environments of the Bahamas. p. 254-262

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